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Training & Education

We are fortunately able to provide a number of training courses that are relevant for aquatic restoration in Nova Scotia.


Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Assessments

Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Assessments are a key part of in-stream restoration. Surveys are conducted to collect data on a watercourse to determine if restoration is needed and what methods will be most beneficial. After restoration is completed, HSI assessments are used to monitor the changes caused by restoration.


HSI assessments are conducted using the Nova Scotia Fish Habitat Assessment Protocol (NSFHAP), which was developed by Adopt-a-Stream to assess Atlantic salmon and brook trout habitat in Nova Scotian waterways.


During the 2-day training, participants will go over the NSFHAP field sheet, what data are collected during surveys, and how to interpret it. Training includes a field session where participants will conduct an HSI assessment on a nearby watercourse.

Watercourse Installer's Certificate for Aquatic Restoration

The Watercourse Installer's Certificate for Aquatic Installation is an essential part of in-stream restoration in Nova Scotia. 

Every crew installing in-stream structures is required to have at least one member with a Watercourse Installer's Certificate, however it is beneficial for all crew members to attend training.


Training includes both an online and in-person field session. The online portion will cover different types of restoration used in Nova Scotia, how to install structures, and regulations to follow during restoration. During the field session, participants will install an in-stream structure.

Other Education

If you belong to a community group or school and are interested in our work, we would be happy to  host an educational session or take participants out for a day in the field - whatever suits your groups needs best. We have experience working with universities, naturalist clubs, and schools, engaging with participants of all ages.

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